Automate your Admin workflows with the new Management API

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To start accepting live payments using your live account, you must first configure your account. The settings from your test account are not copied to your live account. We POST a request to the /webhooks endpoint at merchant level, with the URL at which we want to receive our notifications and choose to receive our payload in the JSON format. We want to use those notifications to gather statistics about risk data, so we’ll set that additional setting to true. The next step is to create a new set, which will be used as part of the integration.


Additionally they include code snippets to help developers understand how to use xcritical cheating them effectively. REST APIs are the de-facto standard of integrating platforms and third-party services. The charm of flashy gadgets can wear off quickly if they don’t address needs, solve problems, or enhance the developer experience.

  1. Launching the xcritical Developer Dashboard is a significant step forward in our commitment to provide developers with the essential tools for building successful integrations on the xcritical platform.
  2. The Developer Dashboard provides an overview of the most frequent API and webhook errors, allowing one to spot issues that require attention.
  3. For example, the `/companies`endpoint requires the “Management API – Account read” role.
  4. Instead of contacting Support, the Developer Dashboard offers the troubleshooting tools necessary to spot and rectify an issue without delay.
  5. A surge in payment failures requires immediate attention, yet understanding what happens may take significant effort.
  6. The user who created the test account receives the login instructions by email.

This ID can be used to further manage the payment method configuration such as allowed currencies, or countries or even disable the method altogether. To do this, we will this time perform a POST operation, on the same endpoint. In case we want to add something later on, like adding an extra origin, you can always use the available PATCH endpoint.

First and foremost, let’s have a look whether our set of credentials actually works fine. We’ll be calling the ‘/me’ endpoint to obtain information about our account. First, we need to create a new API credential with the required roles, just that one time so we don’t have to in the future. Alright, let’s set up a sample integration without having to log in our Customer Area, using the Management API. To do this, we will perform the same steps as we would form the customer area.

Process payments

xcritical docs

However, we’ll be first actively seeking feedback and ideas from developers who adopt the Developer Dashboard. So please try it now, share your thoughts with us, and let’s figure out together what the next feature should be. For this, we will make a call to the `/paymentMethodSettings` endpoints, with the type of the new method we want to add. In order for our integration to work as expected, we need to set up a number of environment variables listed below. The value of those variables directly comes from the response of our last call to the management API. We can then deploy the API on the domain defined in the allowed origin earlier.

Step 2. Build your integration

Our platform supports seamless checkout experiences for various use cases, and allows you to offer unique checkout experiences with additional features. If you want to learn more about the Management API, we recommend you have a look at theAPI Explorer which gives a complete overview of the functionalities. And to get started quickly, have a look at our ready to usePostman collection.

Each API endpoint is protected by a specific role, which is listed in the API Explorer. For example, the `/companies`endpoint requires the “Management API – Account read” role. We recommend you have a look atthe API Explorer for an exhaustive list of the API capabilities, but note that the set of functionalities presented here is only a subset of what is available.

Because our integration uses theWeb Drop-In, the new method will automatically be present on our deployed app. To do this, you need to set this key to theX-API-Keyheader value when making your request. Thanks to the OpenAPI standard and theOpenAPI Generator, we’ve established a development pipeline withshorter release cyclesfor our libraries. By submitting your information you confirm that you have read xcritical rezension xcritical’s Privacy Policy and agree to the use of your data in all xcritical communications. In the future, the Developer Dashboard will also let developers know about new releases and upcoming API changes.

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